MANTIS Festival Autumn, 2015



17 -18 October, 2015
John Thaw Studio Theatre, Martin Harris Centre, University of Manchester


18 (Sun) Oct., 14:00~
Translucency II
for computer and live image processing








For my last MANTIS festival (the previous MANTIS wasn’t the last!), I performed a live audio-visual work as well as the MANTIS diffusion system (sound diffusion: Danny Saul). The work was composed after Translucency I, which is for bass clarinet and live electronics, sharing the same theme and sound materials of bass cl. in different ways. It was also great to see Marij van Gorkom, who is the bass cl. player and I collaborated with, during the festival, and I was very satisfied with my performance.

スクリーンショット 2015-10-21 16.22.36Untitled


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