DAÏMÔN, Artist in Residence (Canada)
The People in the Dunes project with Bettina Hoffmann has been recently updated (Feb-Mar, 2019) with new performers based in Montreal: Emmanuelle Martin, Ilya Krouglikov, Katie Philp (movements), and Ariel Carrabré (violoncello).
(See also the newest info on facebook.)
We had exploration together, and the new output will be expected to be totally different from the previous versions with the application of cellphones for motion tracking and interactive design between dancers and sounds.
With the successful our project application for the residency program run by DAÏMÔN, I will stay there for about a month to develop this project further with collaborators, and performance will be given at the end of residency. It is also expected to have performances in Montreal during the period.
Artist in residency in DAÏMÔN, Gatineau, Canada
20th February to 28th March, 2020 (dates can be modified)
Collaborators: Emmanuelle Martin, Ilya Krouglikov, Katie Philp (movements), and Ariel Carrabré (violoncello).